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A digital version of St Louis University Mental Status Exam (SLUMS)


Test Anywhere

No paper, no problem. Grab your iPad and you’re ready to start testing. Complete a cognitive assessment and then save your results. Review your results conveniently on either you iPhone or iPad. 


Paperless Tracking

Clinicians look not only at the latest score but find that trends in the score may be valuable in screening for dementia. It’s easy to review a history of results without searching through your file cabinets. Paperless and simple.


Confident Results

Not everyone administers SLUMS exams regularly and may forget details about administering the test. eSLUMS walks you through an entire test using optional audio prompts, help text, built-in timers, and program logic to be sure that cognitive assessments are performed properly. Whether you’re a seasoned clinician testing people daily or a trainee, you can be sure that tests are performed accurately and repeatably. 

A Chinese version of this video can be found here.


Our User Stories

You have made a very nice app for the SLUMS! Some things I like about it: 1) nice clean visuals, 2) the progress bar at top right is nice, and  3) I like the graph at the end which shows the continuous data. Just use this!

Dr. Kristen Torres

Inpatient Rehab SLP in New Mexico

This app saved me tons of time! It’s nicely designed, very user friendly and has good way to track progress. I wish all SLP material, including testing and treatment, can be digital, interactive and approachable like this!

WenYue Zou

SNF/ SLP in Washington

I searched for the SLUMS in the past because I saw that the MOCA had an app. I am glad to see that this is a reality now. It will save on paper, unless we have to print it out. But I love that I will always have a SLUMS on me since I always carry my iPad.

Brianna R.

SNF SLP in Louisiana

Track Multiple People [PRO]

 As a speech-language pathologist, a nurse at a memory care center, or a clinician at a hospital, you need to test and track more than one person at a time. eSLUMS makes it simple.

Full Test History [PRO]

From the very first baseline tests and clock drawings to the most recent one, all this is available with just one click. This helps you make important decisions faster.

Sharable Reports [PRO]

Standard reports can be created after each test, and it’s up to you whether you want to print, save or edit the electronic file. Archive test results and reports so that you can reference them quickly.


What You Get

Validated Results

The SLUMS cognitive assessment is commonly used by many therapists and is recognized internationally. eSLUMS enables people to get experimentally validated results that can be used for detecting cognitive impairment.

Early Detection

Early detection allows you and your family to prepare well for the future and enables the possibility of treatments and management of dementia. Our solution eliminates barriers and makes tracking progress easy.

Save Money

Dementia progresses over 5-10+ years. Getting regular assessments becomes expensive and impractical. This supplements comprehensive professional examinations at a small fraction of the cost.

Paperless tracking

For professionals, testing and tracking is now convenient and simple. You can store electronic files or easily print off a summary of results for a number of different patients.

Get Started!

Don’t wait. Detect dementia early. Make a difference.